Archive for Januar 2007


Januar 4, 2007

dear reader,

this is my first blog entry and for now I want to share my thoughts with you on internet radios.

internet radios seem to be quite common, but somehow I haven’t found the right station for me. the local ones in austria weren’t satisfying my addiction to music, neither were the neighbor streams.
the other day a friend pointed me to, i was quite skeptical due to the above mentioned reasons, but then again i was quite surprised by its diversity.

e.g: their station ‘Groove Salad – A nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves.’ is quite decent and you can easily have it on the background while coding or doing stuff on the internet.

‘Indie pop rocks’ is also worth listening, since last week I’ve been soo addicted to this station. I’m currently having this on and liking it VERY much ;)

So if that made you curious, go and have a listen! – you’re just a click away!